Nov 8, 2010

Rant #1 - Writing when I have Nothing to Say

I'm going to rant. It won't be long, but I really want to get this off my chest.

I'm taking this Old Testament Survey class and we're required to respond to other student's discussion question answers on the class forum. That makes me really irritated. I mean, if I have something to say about their answer, I'll say it, but most of the time I don't have anything worthwhile to say! They answered the blasted question, and they did it just fine! Unless the question is surrounded by controversy or differing opinions, there really isn't much to say! I have to hunt for answers that are worth responding to, and even then, I end up writing something that feels really petty. And its because the other students have good answers that don't need anything added or changed. But then! All your responses are supposed to "further the discussion"!

I guess I'm learning the art of furthering a discussion that doesn't need to be furthered. How pointless.

...Okay, I'm done. As you were.


  1. I know what you mean... I took an OT history class from Mount Hood that required the same post-and-response format. Think of your own posting as a chance to leave some really juicy loose ends for someone else to try and tie together. For every text, there's a whole library of subtext ready to set on fire. If the discussion didn't need to be furthered, the college wouldn't bother to offer the course, and you wouldn't bother to register. So there.

  2. Touché. Thank you, sir. I see your point.
