Mar 26, 2010

The Holocaust and Abortion: Redefinition and Devaluation

I wrote a speech last year for the NCFCA speech competition season. It did make it to nationals, but has gone unspoken since, which is sad, because I still find the concept important and fascinating. The speech was entitled "The Lie of Abortion" and discussed the mental process or condition that justifies abortion. Lately, I've been considering the idea of the speech juxtapositionally with the history of the Holocaust. (The italicized text indicates the sections of the speech)

Have you ever been riding in a car on the freeway, knowing you’re moving, but not really paying attention? It doesn’t matter that every second you cover 88 feet of pavement, it doesn’t matter that you’re burning gallons of gasoline, it doesn’t matter that you’re constantly moving further away from your starting point. You’re lulled into a feeling of disinterest, because none of what is happening is affecting you. This slab of pavement doesn’t look any different than what you drove over 10 minutes ago. All you’re thinking about is your destination. Everything feels the same. However, it’s not. You’re wearing down the pavement that you’re driving on, you’re burning the gasoline in your tank, you’re moving further and further away from where you were originally

This analogy of driving a car is an example of how people justify abortion in their minds. People understand murder. People understand what it means to be alive. People understand that when you get into a car and start the engine, you’re burning gasoline. People understand that sixty miles an hour will get you somewhere fast. But as they sit in the car, as they convince themselves that abortion is justified, they don’t care anymore, and they’re lulled into feeling entirely unconcerned.
Think about the Holocaust. Six million Jews died innocently. Why? Barry Dank, emeritus professor of sociology at California State University, said, “Hitler viewed the Jews as a powerful force that was polluting and destroying society.” Genocide was justified because the Nazis were indoctrinated into thinking that the Jews were inhibiting and threatening German society. Because of their belief that Jews were inferior and infectious beings, it seems like they became apathetic to genocide. Their indiffernce became so strong that it led to nauseating conditions in concentration camps, mothers being slashed to death with bayonets after having their children taken from their arms, and people being organized by a number, rather than identified by a name.  
Ultimately, this feeling of apathy comes from not recognizing truth. The car is burning gasoline, that’s truth. You’re moving at 60 miles per hour, that’s truth. You’re wearing down the pavement, that’s truth. Life begins at conception, that’s truth. Murder is wrong, that’s truth.
(Skipping a bit)

Man is a corrupt creature; lies permeate his awareness much faster than truth. But, no one’s going to walk around saying that they believe a lie. However, what you label something justifies what it is in your mind. Abortion advocates believe their lies, calling them truth. It’s like artificially flavored candy. You can call it blue-raspberry...but it’s not. Abortion advocates believe their blue-raspberry lie, calling it truth - lies such as, “The blob of tissue isn’t alive”, or, “you’re not killing anything”. Truth has been flatly redefined, resulting in stealthily disguised lies.
(Skipping a bit)
Abortionists have ignored and redefined what it means to be human. With every mile they apathetically travel, they wear down the pavement, they burn gasoline. With every mile they apathetically travel, they murder helpless human beings. As they sit in their car succumbing to that feeling of indifference, their sixty mile an hour justification process takes them miles and miles from truth.
In the same way the Holocaust murdered six million Jews, abortion has murdered 50 million helpless children. Both were the result of the philosophical and psychological redefinition of the meaning of "human life." Both instances of redefinition resulted in a devaluation of a portion of the human race. The Holocaust ended in 1945. Abortion was legalized in the US in 1973. How did they so quickly forget?

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