Jan 25, 2011

College Update #4 - Spring Semester Summary

These updates definitely have been few and far between, but I thought I would fill in all who cared to know about the latest developments. This particular update will focus more on the broad scope of what's happening this semester rather than just being limited to college.

That being said, I'm headed back into a life without a life (which I hate...and will battle said notion with the sincerest form of denial), but I'm quite excited for everything that's happening this semester, also.

- Apologetics Academy is back up and running.
I'm jazzed about all the work the students have done. They've definitely made it exciting to be a teacher. I look forward to the next several months of working with them.

- Excel Still More Speech Classes have ended.
The students have been amazing and I will miss them very much.

- Rainmakers is hosting Regionals.
This event will continue to have a resounding impact this semester and a large ripple effect afterwards. But I'm psyched that we're actually doing it. It'll be great.

- I'm a fourteen-credit college student this semester as opposed to an eight-credit college student like last semester.
 o New Testament Survey
 o Perspectives (on World Missions)
 o Basic Two Dimensional Design
 o HTML and Web Design
 o Anthropology and Hamartiology Seminar
 o Christology Seminar

Other Currently Unkonwn Projects
Seeing as I struggle with impulsive visionary inclinations, I'm sure there will be other projects that I will make time for somewhere.

- Sarah and I will go out for coffee at various points during the semester.
Because if we don't, we'll never see each other.

- I will continue to wonder about the handprint on my wall.
It's been there for years. I have no clue how it got there.


Au revoir!

- Lauren

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a busy schedule. :P Ah to be grown up. I think back to Highschool and how hard it felt. Then you go to college and realize HS was a breeze. But God grows us and gets us through it all. well take care and have fun!
