Jan 12, 2010

If Houses could Talk...

Ainsworth House

I was driving my usual route towards home one evening, and I slowed down as I approached an old, but majestic home in the middle of a neighborhood close by our house. It's an old style, built in 1851 and owned by Captain Ainsworth. My love for that house never seems to diminish, and I always try and slow down to just to take another contemplative look as I drive past. 

There have to be so many stories surrounding that house. All the people who set foot inside, all the events, and all the conversations that occured are hidden stories wrapped up within the walls of that quaint dwelling. I almost wish houses could talk; I could learn so much by just sitting and listening.

I drove on, thinking. So many times I had driven through that neighborhood. So many times I had merely seen the fresh cut lawns, the new paint job, the odd flag, or the Christmas lights that accented and decorated the outside for appearance's sake. But, what about the inside of the house? What about the people?

I continued on, and eventually arrived at home. Oh goodness... my home. There are so many memories, good times and hard times, tears of joy and hurt, laughter and giggles, deep conversations, and many lessons learned all encapsulated in the little place that I call "home".

Little do I think about the fact that all of the other houses in the city have stories like the ones that come to mind when I think about "home". When I drive past those houses, I ought to see more than the outward appearance, but rather, think about the people inside. They all have a life just like I do. They all have cares just like I do. They all have dreams just like I do. They all have beliefs, hopes, preferences, and values. And just driving by, it's so easy not to see.

I want to be someone who cares. Someone who pays attention and understands. Someone who loves another just because they are a person. I don't just want to drive by, but rather, seek to understand more than the obvious. To look deeper into the house, and see the people that live their lives day in and day out at the same time that I live mine. Oh... if houses could talk.

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